Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 96 back to work after a relaxing weekend

March 23, 2009 Monday

Mk called today. The director wants to meet next Saturday in the evening. He didn't say why they didn't want to go yesterday.

I did have a relaxing weekend. Seriously I only left the aptartment twice and that was to go to Mcdonalds for dinner. I only ate one meal on both days. Its weird how on the weekends I can get by with only eating one meal a day. Other days I have 2 meals and sometimes a snack. I got tons of rest. I slept almost 9 hours one day and almost 12 hours the other day.

I checked my bank account and my refund check from taxes is in there. So I did some research on the internet to buy a mattress topper using my American account. I searched a lot of sites 95% of them didn't ship overseas. Ones that did costed over $100 plus about 80 for shipping. I found one at JCPenney for $45.00. The shipping costed more than the mattress topper. oh well. It will be worth the investment. The shipping was $95 for express which will be here in a week. I could have gotten it for $44 but it would take 2-4 weeks. I didnt want to wait that long. Now all my packages should be coming around the same time next week. So I paid $144 usd for a mattress topper. I'm glad I had that refund money.

I have 3 classes today. I'm done at 7:05 but I have to stay till 9:30pm.

1st class went good. 2 of my students were late. We just reviewed the unit the whole class time.

2nd class wasn't as good. 2 of my students were very late-about 10 minutes. The other 2 students were worried. They went out and told the teacher that 2 students were not in class. She went to find the boys. I told them they need to be in their seat at 5pm. Then they were misbehaving. 2 of them were talking during class and I had to beg them to do their work. They were asking me how to spell 'shut up'. they said "do you spell shut up 'sheet up' I said no. I didn't tell them how to spell it. I told them to use 'be quiet' because shut up wasn't nice. I think one of them said a curse word today. I'm not sure. The girl in the class told on the boys who were being mean and one of the Korean teachers scolded them. They said they wouldn't do it again.

3rd class was good. I only have one student and he is in the highes level. He always gets the answers right. I taught him writing today. I gave him an essay assignment so I'll see where he stands in terms of being able to write an essay. I asked him to write about an after school activity. I gave him a guide to help him with knowing what to write about.

I was upset today. I left a comment on a friend's wall and he took it the wrong way and sent me a mean email about how I was judging him and trying to tell him how to live. I didn't mean anything by the comment. I was seriously trying to hold back the tears at work while I was reading the email.

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