Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 79

March 6, 2009 Friday

Today was my first class with the 2 lower level classes.

The first class liked to laugh a lot.They were pretty quiet, but they participated. They don't have English names and they dont know how to spell their korean name. I'll just have to point to them when i want to ask a question. There were 4 people in the class.

There were 5 people in the 2nd class. 1st and 2nd graders. One of them looked a lot like a girl in another one of my classes. I found out they are twins. One goes to mwf classes and the other in tues/thurs clases. This class was exited to meet me. They asked me a lot of questions like where are you from, how old are you, do you speak korean, etc. They liked the song that we sang "The wheels on the bus". It was part of the lesson in the book.

I was walking down the hall and there was a group of middle school guys in the hall. One of them showed me his name on his shirt and then he asked me my name. Then he said "I love you". I thought I was being hit on by a middle schooler. Over here "I love you" is just thrown around basically meaning "you're cool". Students say it to teachers all the time. It doesn't always have the romantic connotation. After I read that on Dave's esl cafe I felt better.

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