Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 103....I want to touch you

Day 103 Monday March 30, 2009

My cough isn't as bad today. I think its moved to a more nonproductive cough. I don't cough that often either. Maybe I can finally get over this.

I just started my fifth week teaching at the new school. I'll be in South Korea for 48 more weeks. Teaching 46 weeks.

I was on the subway this morn and I usually stand up since I only have to go about 4 stops. A man sitting in the "special seats"(for the handicapped, elderly, with child, and pregnant) said Hello. Then he wanted me to come sit beside him. He knew English and he talked to me until his stop. He wanted to know what my job was, where I was from, etc. I told him I was only staying a year and he is trying to convince me to stay longer. There were some women sitting in front of us and when they got off they all came by and touched me. He told me that "they thought I was pretty and they wanted to touch me."haha.

Today I had to give my students a project. They have to write a few sentences about a topic. These will be laminated and put up to decorate the walls of the classroom. It took my first class forever to finish. Their topic was "Introduce Yourself". They dont know where they live so I just wrote a sentence on the board "I live in South Korea". I had to explain what "grade" in school meant. They don't know what grade they are in. Last week I assigned a writing assignment for the class. No one brought it today.

In my second class they had to introduce themselves. This class actually used the colored pencils I brought in. I still had to explain everything. I gave them a writing assignment last week and only one person turned it in. The writing project took almost all of class so we only covered one page of material.

In my 3rd class we also did the writing project. His was "introduce your school". I didn't have to explain anything to him. I just wrote some ideas on the board of what he could write about. I gave him a writing assignment last Monday and he still hasn't done it yet.

I don't know why but my check card for IBK doesn't work in the ATM. one of the other teachers told me about an ATM in Bulwang for IBK bank so I stopped on the way home. I tried numerous times, but nothing was happening. I know I put in the right password. I'll have to go to Nokbeon tomorrow and see what is wrong. I'll try calling the customer service number first. If that doesnt work then I'll just go to Nokbeon and withdraw the money I need.

Am I going to Japan this week? I don't know. I'll probably know at the last minute. That's the way things go around here. Mk called and said he's waiting on my visa. He's waiting on the confirmation number so I can go. I don't know when I'll be going.

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