Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 90--unexpected evaluation and criticism

March 17 Tuesday

I got mail today! At least now I know that the address I gave my mom was good enough to make it get to Seoul.

My new address:

111-1 beon ji Songwon ha lee bon officetel 302ho
Eung-am 1dong Eunpyung-ku Seoul South Korea 120 910

About an hour before class I was asked "did you know sunny was coming today?". I didn't know. She was coming to evaluate my classes. I hate being evaluated. I'm not a profesional teacher, but I do the best I can. I know that I don't know what I'm doing! I wish I would have taken some kind of course before coming. But this was a spontaneous decision so there wasnt any time.

Said she’s heard some good things about me. Students like me. Some parents have given praise. Said Im nice to the students.

Ate lunch at home..had a ham sandwich, grape juice and strawberries. I was going to have a salad but my tomatoes that I bought aren’t that great. I need to go get some roma tomatoes. They don’t have a good selection here.sucks!.

I got a letter from my mom today. Now I know I have the right address or at least its good enough that my mail makes it here!

Also ate some with the Korean teachers. Pork cutlet, rice, tried kimbap (its okay), tried seewead (its okay), and radish (it was okay) just not stuff I’d eat on a regular basis.

I had five classes today.

1st class..im glad she wasn’t watching this class..we talked about how much/how many.On the tape the person telling one of the stories talked way too fast. We listened to it twice.I was going to give them 2 pages for homework but they said that their Korean teacher gives them a lot so I said only do one page. Then they all say thank you. And youre nice and all sorts of good things because I didnt give them much homework. I had a new student in this class so I made copies of the book. Then someone came and got him. He was in the wrong class. He was in my 2nd class.

THe woman from nokbeon watched my 2nd class. Then she gave me criticism afterwards. She said I was doing better. Said she liked my tone of my voice. Said there wasn’t enough speaking between students. Need to let students speak more. Didn’t do any teacher-student-student..let the students talk to each other..I hate that the lesson is too short. Today we didn’t learn anything new. We reviewed. We’ll finish review next time. Had a new student. She said he was having problems finding the right page.

She also evaluated my 3rd class. She had me to explain what some of the words meant like weekend, outside. I was asking one of my students what was the weather like outside. He didnt understand. She asked me to draw a picture. After class she said she liked my drawings. She gave me more tips. She told me to read the stories more than one time. She also said to get the students to listen to their cd and get their parents to sign saying that they listened to it. She left after that class. I'm glad she only evaluated 2 classes.

The same man was wearing a suit with flip flops again.

After school I went out to eat with one of the korean teachers. We went to a korean restuarant. I like what she ordered for me. It was beef, rice and some kind of noodles. So I tried a lot of new korean food today.

I only have 2 classes tomorrow!!

current exchange rate (as of 1:26am march 18th)--$1 usd = 1416 krw.(i get my rates from yahoo finance)..thats bad. When I first got here it was 1272. Ideally I'd like for it to be 1,000 or less but I dont know if that will happen. If it does Im sending money home quickly!

Current weather: 1am 15 celcius = 59 degrees F....

it felt great around 11pm. I'm loving the warmer weather!

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