Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 434

Wednesday Feb 24

I emailed my friend from the gym. I sent him the pictures that I took at the gym of me and him. I also wanted to know his age. He is 30 in Korean age. (same as me). He asked me “how old are you? 20 or 21 maybe? HAHA. Wow he thought I was really young!

We didn’t do any work in my first class. When I came in the girl was writing something on the white board and she told me to turn around till she was finished. It said ‘I love you.’ Then All 3 students wrote their own messages on the chalkboard. They made me face the opposite way so I couldn’t see. They all wrote “I love you. Thank you very much”. They are so sweet. Then they wanted to take pictures of me on their cell phones. The youngest boy was having a fun time taking my picture over and over. He has these templates on his phone and he kept putting my head in all of them. It was cute. I just let them have a free day.

In my 2nd class we did a short speaking lesson. All of the kids told me “I don’t have my book.” I made a copy for everyone before class since today was normally writing class but I wanted to do speaking. One of my kids was not feeling well so he just laid his head down during class. Today’s topic was “My dreams”. It was the last lesson in the book. I was interested in knowing what their dreams were. Their dreams are: teacher, English teacher,dentist, veterinarian, scientist, and work at the UN. We had free time after. I gave my email and American phone number to 2 of the students. 2 of the students have given me their emails.

In my 3rd class we also did a lesson about dreams. The girl wants to be the ‘world king’ like Obama. The boy doesn’t know what his dream is. He didn't want to participate at all in class today. They were excited to see me write Korean on the board. I translated a few of the words to help them out. Hard words like achieve and realize. Sometimes its hard to describe words like that so I give the translation. The girl liked looking at my Korean-English dictionary. She wanted to know what words I knew so I told her what little Korean I do speak.

Last class was okay. We started the last chapter of the book. They asked me “is Monday when the crazy teacher comes?" They were asking me questions about the new teacher. I don't know anything about him or her. I won't even meet them since I'm leaving before they arrive. We learned a new set of words and covered 3 pages. They participated some of the time. Some of them didn't want to do their work, but I told them if they didn't do it we wouldn't have any free time.

I went to eat at a Korean restaurant tonight. It was a very small place. There's only 4 tables in the whole restaurant. I was trying to tell the waitress what I wanted but she couldn't understand me. I just pointed to it on the menu. I had 뚝불고기. It was delicious. I always end up burning my tongue. The dish is very hot. I didn't cool it off enough before eating and it hurt!

I arranged for a pickup for things that will be given to Salvation Army. I have 3 small boxes full. They are coming to my house on Friday at 10am.

I have to go to the pension office tomorrow to apply for my refund. I also need to take my comforter to the dry cleaners to be washed.

I made a list of everything that the new teacher should do. I think its very through.

I still have so much to do! 3 days to do it all!

I was disappointed by the girls on American Idol. It just wasn't that great. I'm ready to hear the guys.

2 more school days...I'm going to miss my students! They don't want me to leave. I don't want to leave but....

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