Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 422

Friday February 12

We had more snow today. I think thats like the 5th snow this year. One big snow. The rest were small. It didn't really accumulate. It barely covered the ground.

Before my first class my youngest student gave me a gift. It's a nice gift set. It has shower gel, soap and lotion.

My first class was good. The newspaper tests took a long time to do. Then I gave them their spelling test. The youngest boy made a 90 and the girl made a 50. The new student couldn't remember how to spell the words so I told him to study and I'll let him take it again on Wednesday. We only covered one page in our book today.

My 2nd class was good. It was our newspaper class. When I walked in they were all begging "me first, me first". I did it the fair way today. I put everyone's name on a sheet of paper and let the students draw a name. Our first article was about a dog. Of course, someone said the dog looked delicious. (they actually eat dog in South Korea). One of the questions was "where is the dog from" (it was from Italy). One of my students said Germany. I told him that was wrong and he told me 'its a German Shepherd'.haha. yeah, but he's from Italy! I had mixed responses about the English teaching robots. Most of the class wanted to learn from a robot because its fun, interesting, exciting and amazing. One said he wanted to learn from a robot so he could make it have an error. Then one boy had a great answer. He said he didn't want to learn from a robot because then Americans wouldn't have jobs. He's smart. He's concerned about people losing their jobs. One of the students said he wanted to pour water on the robot's head so he could watch it blow up. haha. my kids are crazy! They all thought the insect candy was gross and the girl in the picture was crazy.

My 2nd class was pretty good. It was also a newspaper class. Out of all the students only one boy said that the insect candy looked yummy. He actually wants to try it. All the other students in all my classes think its gross. The girl in my class said she wanted to learn English from the robot because robots don't hit students. Near the end of class the boy was looking at my computer and clicking on random things. I showed him google Earth. he thought that was cool.

I played around with Google Earth during my break. It's really neat. Some of the places are detailed. You can see places of interest and zoom down to street level and actually see people. Its not in real time though. Its preloaded images that were taken using a camera.

My last class was on their bad behavior again. First I gave them the newspaper test. Some of them were just sitting there carrying on a conversation and ignoring the test in front of them. I gave one student a zero because she thought it was funny to mark every single answer. I kept begging her to do her test so she just marked every answer.THen we reviewed for our test. During review one of the students just got up and left class. She was gone for a long time. Then 2 other boys just got up and walked out. They were copying her. Then we took our test. They were being loud and copying papers and calling out answers. Then we went over new words and half of them weren't paying attention. They all did pretty bad on the test. It was easy too. Words like pizza, salad, lemonade, popcorn, juice, gifts, party hats, girls, boys, balloons, cards. During the test one boy asked me how to spell 'cone' as in ice cream cone. It wasn't on the test so I told him. Then he thanked me because I gave him the ending letters to 'popcorn'. Then I informed him it was 'popcorn' not 'popcone'. Then one of the other students spells it out for him.

I got to leave school at 8:45pm.

3 day weekend!! (for Lunar New Year)

9 school days left...only 2 weeks in!

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