Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 411

Monday Feb 1

I got up early to go to the dentist. I got there around 10:10 for my 10:30 appt. They took me right back. The assistant was going to take off my temporary crown but it was not there. Oh my. Maybe it fell out and I swallowed it! I never felt it come off in my mouth and I never felt it fall out of my mouth. Then I got my crown. I set up another appointment for feb 11 to start the next root canal. After my root canal is done I will have a cleaning. The front desk person was asking me if I would be interested in getting my teeth whitened. She said its only 300,000 won. Wow. I think I might do it because that’s less than 300 dollars. I wont find it that cheap in America.

When I got home, I went to emart to get swiffer refills. They are expensive. 9,000 won for 16 dry cloths and 9,000 won for 12 wet cloths. I used my 5,000 gift certif. so I saved some.

My Monday class is going to be from 2-2:45 so I’ll start working as soon as I get here. I started 10 mins late today because she told me about 5 after 2. We had a good class today. They took a test. 2 of them did good 90/100. The other one made a 20. I even wrote a hint on the board, but that didn’t help. I told them that each word had either a oy or oi in it. We had a good class and learned a new set of words. The girl liked my nametag. She said it was pretty.

After class I had a pleasant surprise. The old teacher assistant is back. He was the one that always talked to me. It was good to see him again. He left at the end of September and I hadn't seen him since. We talked to each other briefly. Its really hard to talk to him though. He doesn't understand English or speak English very well. He was asking me what I thought about Lady Gaga. I like her music but I think her fashion is crazy. He said he likes her music but doesn't like her actions.

First class was okay. One of my students started getting sick in class.He kept holding to his stomach and they called the teacher over. And she took him out of class.Today we talked about lifeguards and speeding.Good class. They begged to hurry so could have free time.

The student who was sick was laying in the other classroom across 3 chairs. He was still in there when I came to teach that class and then he left with the Korean teacher. One of my students was so excited to get the newspaper quiz and excited about a 30. Today's lesson was about “my parents love my sister more than me”. Then we read an article and answered questions. Couldn’t get one student to read and answer the questions properly.

My last class was back to being on their worst behavior. We finished the unit and reviewed for the test. I was going to be nice and give them time to study before the test but they didn’t want to study so we took the test. They were constantly calling out answers to each other. I kept telling them to stop but it didn’t help. At first they were all trying to put their books in their laps so they could cheat but I made them put their books on a chair or the floor. One boy opened his book during the test. I have to watch these students.

I finished watching "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School". All 16 episodes. It was very sad most of the time.

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