Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 133

April 29 Wednesday

For lunch I went out with 2 korean teachers. We went to a restaurant across the street called Chosun. There was only one thing on the menu that wasn't spicy. It was some sort of beef in soup. It was pretty good.

My computer is making a very loud noise. Sounds like the moter is really loud. Its probably because it is old. I need a new computer. I really want a mini laptop but they are expensive over here and shipping one from America is expensive too.

one of my students missed last Thursday so she wanted to know if I would review the material with her today. I went over what we learned when she was absent.

There is one of my students in my lowest class that is always saying something that I told him. He's 10 years old. One of my youngest students and he's so adorable. His name is Harry and one day in class I told him "Harry, turn around" because he was talking to someone during class. Now for the past week he's been saying "harry turn around" all the time. He uses it with other people's names. There is a student called Sonic in that class and today he was saying "sonic, turn around." haha.

Today I graded all my essays. Some of them are pretty bad. There are some places in a few essays where I had no clue what they were saying so I just circled it and said "I dont understand what you are saying". It didn't even make sense. I only had one that was off topic.

I only have 2 classes today.

In my 2nd class we were going to start class. I told them what page to open their book. One of the guys said "I don't have" but he didnt say what he didnt have. I thought he might not have his book. I said "you dont have your book?" Then he got out his book and said "I don't have a brain." Silly boy.

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