Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 127...part 2

So today is my busy day. 5 classes.

In my first class 5 people where there when I got there. 1 was absent and 3 people were late. There was a song in the book and they all thought it was funny. One of the girls kept asking me "play it again." I played it 3 times. One of my students told me it was her birthday and she gave me a piece of candy. goodness--that candy was nasty!! At the end of class some of the girls wanted my phone number. 4 of the girls typed it into their phone and they also gave me their numbers. One of them sent me a message with her name so I'd know who it was.

There wasn't much material to cover in my 2nd class. We were talking about family members-aunt, cousin, parents, husband, wife, son, daughter, uncle. I didn't want to cover too much so I was going to let them play a game at the end of class for the last 10 mins. The 3 girls were tired so they wanted to play the quiet game. One of the guys was bored and the other did his homework. Maybe I need to start preparing word searches for the kids. I think they would enjoy that. I would also consider making a game with the material we've made. I think a Jeopardy style game would be fun and interesting for the kids. I'm almost through with the book and I have 5 weeks left in the semester.

I walked to the door of my 3rd class. The lights were off and it felt like the door wouldn't open. Then I walked back to the teacher's room. I saw a head pop out of the room but they didn't know that I saw them. The 2 students were hiding. I saw the student under his desk. He popped up and said 'surprise'. Then he kept talking to himself. Then about a minute later the other student popped up from another desk at the back of the class. She was better at hiding than he was. One of my students was absent from this class. After class one of the students called him and I talked to him briefly on the phone. I asked him how he was and he said "not good." So Im guessing he was sick.

My 4th class was making all sorts of noises. the girls sounded like sheep and one of the boys resembled a pig.haha.

My 5th class was their normal crazy selves. They love to draw all over the pictures in their book. Especially making blood come out of people's eyes. One of my students really likes math. They were writing about school. The phrase was-"I like math because__________". He wrote "I like math because I like math". Then "I like school because I like math." We finished early and I let them play a game. We played 3,6,9. One time we made it all the way to 30 before someone messed up. One time it ended early because someone skipped a number. When someone messes up they like to hit that person.

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