Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 119...Health Check

April 15, Wednesday

I had to get up early this morn to go get my health check. I had to meet MK at 11am. My health check was at the national medical center near Dongdaemun stadium. First I got my height, weight, blood pressure and color blindness test. Then I went to see the dentist. This dentist said everything was fine. Okay so the 2 cavities that the dentist in Uijeongbu saw have disappeared.hmm. Then I had to pee in 2 cups. They actually had a western style toilet in the bathroom so that was nice. Then I had to get blood taken. She put the needle in my arm and couldn't find the vein and didn't get much blood. Then she put the needle in my hand and got what she needed to fill 3 vials. Then I had to talk to another doctor where they asked questions about "do you have this or that". I don't have any of those health problems. Then I had to go get my chest x-ray. mk said take off all of my clothes, but I knew they were only taking a picture of my chest so I left on my pants. I saw the size of that robe and I was thinking "There is no way that I am taking off my pants!" The robe was the size of a shirt. After the xray I was done and I headed home to rest for a few mins before going to school.

I only have 2 classes today. That means I get to sit around from 2:00-7:10 doing nothing. Teach 2 classes from 7:10-8:45 then sit around and do nothing again.

Classes were good today.

I had a new student in my 2nd class. Its 7 weeks into the semester and we are getting new students. They have missed so much. I guess they are just happy that they are bringing in the money. They don't care that the student is going to be so far behind. I think there is a new student in one of my lowest classes also. The korean teachers were finding books for that class and she has to make copies of the book.

I'm getting a table tomorrow! They are delivering it at 3pm. Thats good.

My room is so clean! I cleaned tonight since I knew someone would be delivering the table. I didn't want them to see my mess.

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