Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 131

April 27 Monday

I'm in the subway station before school and mk calls me. "Did you get a bill?" I asked him "What kind of bill am I looking for?" He says "Water, internet, gas". I told him that I had already paid my gas bill. Then he is shocked. He says "really?" Like I'm so stupid that I couldn't have paid a bill all by myself. I still told him that I hadn't received a bill for the internet yet. He said when I get a bill I should bring it to the school. Why? Then he proceeds to tell me "Check your mail everyday for a bill." I have told him numerous times that I check my mailbox everyday. It was empty today. I'm not a child! I know how to check my mail and pay my bills!!

We had a small thunderstorm today. The thunder only lasted about 10 minutes. The students heard thunder and they ran to the window to see the rain. Then they all commented on how they didn't bring their umbrella today.

One of my students from the 2nd level moved to the 3rd level and now she is back in the 2nd level. Why does she keep moving back and forth?

I still have the same problem with essays. In my first class 4 people didn't bring their essay. 2 people gave it to me on Friday. In my 2nd class all 3 didn't bring it. When I asked for it one of the students said "I wasn't here on Friday." I know he wasn't there on Friday, but he was there when I gave him the essay on Monday and told him when it was due. Not being in class on Friday is not an excuse for not turning in his essay. The other 2 students didn't have theirs either. My student in my 3rd class had his essay. It was good. Too short, but good.

I wonder how many essays I will get tomorrow.

I'm buying a DSLR soon! I'm going to get a Nikon D40. I like it because its smaller than most DSLR cameras. I found someone who is selling one. It's less than a year old. They are selling the body, a bag, wireless remote, 2 batteries, charger, 1 GB memory card for 350,000 won which comes out to $260 with today's exchange rate. That is an awesome deal. I know if I bought one on my own it would be probably 400,000 won with no extras. I was thinking of buying one anyway. It doesn't come with a lens but I can buy a basic lens for about 100 dollars or so. He was selling a fancy lens (Sigma 18-200mm) but the lens was more than the camera and I didn't need a lens that big. I'll probably get a 18-55mm lens. I saw a few on Gmarket(korea) for around 125,000 won (around 100 usd).

I got a call from mk around 8 from mk. He said that I had to come to his school tomorrow because my gas bill was wrong. I hate having to go all the way to his school. I don't know what is wrong with my gas bill or how he would even know that something was wrong. He didn't even know I paid it until I told him today. I have to bring my receipt so he can see.

I went to check out a gym that I'm going to join at the beginning of the month. Its over in Bulwang. My friend Lesley goes there. She met me there and gave me a tour. We went around 10pm and there were a lot of people there. I went in the locker room and there were naked women everywhere. I don't think I'll shower there. I'm just not comfortable walking around naked in front of people. Asians are all skinny and I'm not. After I lose a lot of weight then I might but I'll just wait to go home and shower. Then I talked to one of the trainers. When we were telling him goodbye he said "I hope to see you everyday."ha. We also talked to this guy who is from Indiana.

I've got to get on track! I've got to start eating better and exercising. I wonder if 5kg a month is realistic (11 lbs). If I can lose that much a month then it won't take me that long to get to a good point. If that were possible I'd be looking good when I came back home! I've got 10 months to reach my goal. What is my goal? I'm not sure exactly. I just want to get to a point where I feel healthy and comfortable with the way I look. I havent put a pound goal out there yet-just when I feel good. Probably somewhere around 130-150.

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