Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 303 I'll remember you forever

Friday October 16

The Korean teacher found the key to the computer lab. To celebrate she bought drinks for me and 2 other teachers from Dunkin Donuts. She got me a strawberry smoothie.

I had a good first class. We had 2 tests first. She didn't do so good on the spelling test. She only made a 30. We covered 4 pages in class. After reviewing and doing lots of activities we still had a few mins leftover in class. She showed me her invisible pen. It writes invisible and when you shine a purple light on it you can see what she wrote. She also gave me half of a chocolate candy bar.

My 2nd class was in the computer lab. One student was absent today so everyone had a computer. They were good and did their work. Some of them didn't finish, but some finished too early. One of my students told me "When you go home in March I'll never forget you. I'll remember you forever" ah. Then another student said "me too."

My 3rd class was in the computer lab. This class only has 4 people but its a little harder to manage. The boys don't want to do their work. They just want to talk to each other. The girl does her work but the boys like to talk and mess around with the settings on the computer. I tell them to stop changing stuff but they don't listen. They were changing the mouse settings to make it look like there was a trail of mouses. and they always change the background. I get frustrated with these students. They can't answer basic comprehension questions. They won't read the article and they expect me to just tell them the answer. I tell them that if they read the article the answers are easy to find. They don't even care about doing well on the question part of the article where they get a grade. They just pick the answers really fast without reading the question and act excited when they only get 1 question right. I told them the goal was to get all 5 questions right.

My last class was better than normal but still not how I would like for it to go. The student who the kids told me was gone is back. He missed 5 classes in a row. I think he had the swine flu. He's the 2nd person in that class to have it. The test today didn't take as long as normal so that's good. I didn't have any big problems today. I had to get the boys to pay attention at times.3 students told me they didn't have their book. I asked the class a question. I said "we have spelling class every Monday and Friday why don't you bring your book?" I brought 2 extra copies of what we were doing just in case. then another student didn't have his book so I went outside to make copies. Then 2 of the girls come out and tell me that the 2 students that said they didn't have their book really do have their book. So I was making a copy for nothing. I asked them why they lied to me. They said they didn't lie.(yes they did! they said they didn't have a book then wait till i leave the room to get out their book) I told them I don't like liars. After class I graded the papers. One student got a zero. He added extra letters to every single word. Most of the words were right but he added something on the end like 'stage' was 'stageo'. Another student only got 1 right for a score of 7. That student always does poorly. His current average is a 30. At first I was impressed that he spelled librarian correctly even though it wasn't on our spelling list then I realized that librarian was written on the whiteboard behind him. Not so impressed anymore.

I hate teaching students who just don't care. I think I'd actually enjoy it if I had students who actually wanted to be there. I want to help people who are going to actually attempt to make progress.

I was hoping to make a difference. I don't ever see any big progressions in my student's English skills. I'm just another person they can torture. I think its a lost cause.

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