Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 294

Wednesday October 7

Today was no so great.

My first class was in the computer lab. We did the exact same articles that we did last week! Why haven't they updated the website? The newspaper for the intermediate level was updated this week but the lower level one was the same. The student noticed that it was the same. She told me we had already done it. I told her we were going to read it again.

My 2nd class was a writing class. Today we were talking about beginnings and middles. They grasped the concept and we had a good class.

My 3rd class was a writing class. We only had to cover one short lesson today so we had some free time. These short lessons are driving me crazy! There is no way it would take 50 minutes to do 2 pages!

My 4th class is one of my non-cooperative 6th grade conversation classes. Today we were talking about numbers and money. They wouldn't do their work. They wouldn't speak to each other. One of the boys kept tearing off a piece of paper, chewing it up and spitting it at another student. Then every one of the boys needs to go to the bathroom. I make them go one at a time. They change their name every class. I can't keep up with who is who so I have to refer to my notebook all the time! I'm up there explaining things and they are just talking and not paying attention. Its like I'm talking to myself. I asked one of the girls a question and she wouldn't even answer. I stood there for a while waiting on the answer but she wouldnt answer so I just told the answer to the class. I just don't know what to do with these students. Well its not my problem when they get to test time and they don't know what the heck it is because they didn't write any answers or pay attention. I actually like the books in the class. I think they are very helpful for conversation practice, but the students won't even cooperate with me!!

If I leave and they haven't improved its not my fault!! It's their fault for not trying! Teaching at my hagwon is a lost cause. Its full of students who don't want to learn. All they want to do is beg to play games and have free time.

My last class is always out of control on the day when we go to the computer lab. I have to tell them to turn off their music and stop looking at other websites. I kept yelling at one of the students to turn off his music on his cell phone. Then I told him to go to the website and he keeps telling me to wait. I'm tired of them finishing too early so I made a worksheet for them to do to keep them busy. On friday Im going to test them on what was on the worksheet. They are driving me crazy! They act like they can't find the answers. Its simple questions that are easy to find right out of the article. They still act confused after I basically point it out to them. Example: Recently an electric bus was introduced. Then i ask the question-What was introduced recently?. Its so simple if you will take the time to read it!! Its not like I'm asking questions that aren't right in front of their face. I'm asking basic comprehension questions. They don't understand because they arent taking the time to find the answer. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO MAKE THIS CLASS BE IN THE COMPUTER LAB????(with crappy old slow computers) All they want to do is play around on the computer. If we had the articles and just read them in class we would get a lot done.

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