Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 147 He has a hula poop

May 12 Tuesday

I finally went to the bank to transfer money. The exchange rate today was 1252 and I got a small discount to make it 1248. I transferred 1 million won which equaled out to 768.00. Everything takes so long here! I was with the the teller for 45 minutes. I would have hated to be someone who was waiting in line behind me. The bank teller asked me about teaching her English. I'm hesitant to say yes. I know that I can get in trouble for teaching outside of my school. It might be a slim chance of getting caught but thats a chance I don't want to take.

In my first class the students were telling me "you didn't give me a word list." I did. I gave it to them on Thursday. 2 of the students actually had theirs. I made copies for the people who said they didn't have one. I hate giving writing tests to the lower levels because they have so much trouble. I don't have time or the skills to adequately teach them how to write. I explain the directions and give examples. I have to repeat it at least 3 or 4 times. The writing test took up most of the time. Then we had a spelling test. We didnt have time to cover any new material today.

In my 2nd class we are ahead of schedule because the units are short. We took a writing test and a spelling test. We had time to cover some pages in the unit but I let them play a game instead. We only have one unit left.

In my 3rd class we took the writing test and spelling test. Then we covered one page of material before I let them play a game. One of the answers on the test made me laugh! The answer was: He has a hula hoop. Instead the student wrote: He has a hula poop. hilarious.

In my 4th class one of my students has moved up a level. When I give the test to level 8 I will give him the test for what he learned in level 7. I'll also give him the level 7 word test. We took a writing test and a spelling test. We had enough time left over to complete 3 pages of material in the book.

In my 5th class we took the writing test. then the students asked for extra time to study for the spelling test. I gave them 10 minutes. During the study time they thought it was so cool to try on each other's glasses. In this class I have 5 students-4 of them are 13 and one is 12. All of them wear glasses. So they were putting on each other's glasses and then saying stuff in korean. We didnt have any time to cover any new material.

After school I was going to the gym. I changed into my gym clothes in a bathroom at the subway station. I like my privacy. Asians don't believe in privacy. The women are all naked and changing in front of everyone.

I finally joined the gym. The woman at the front desk wasnt good at English so she called someone over who could speak English well. He helped me with the paperwork. I signed up for a 6 month membership. It was suppose to be 576,000 but he gave me a discount so I paid 540,000. I have one orientation session tomorrow at 10pm. Then I have one more. Its basically where they show you how to use stuff in the gym which I already know. Me and Lesley worked out together. We did the elipical machine for 30 minutes. I burned 99 calories in 30 minutes. Sometimes I alternated between fast and slower speeds to do some interval training. Afterwards I lifted weights to tone my arms. I don't think I will work my legs. They are too big already. I dont think lifting weights will help them get any smaller.

Afterwards I went to eat at Burger King. I got the chicken sandwich. At least I didnt ruin my workout completly by getting a whopper. The chicken still isn't the greatest choice. whatever. It was after midnight and probably one of the only things open that I'd actually want to eat.

Then I walked home from the gym. Lesley walked with me most of the way. Its a pretty short walk. Maybe 15 minutes. I'm just going to walk home from the gym everyday which will give me extra exercise. Plus after i work out it will be too late to ride the subway home on most nights probably.

Now I just got to start eating right! I totally blew it today. I had dongas for lunch (pork cutlet). For supper I had a chicken sandwich from burger king. Plus I had a big brownie from home plus as a snack. At least I'm getting my vitamin c. I buy vitamin c drinks everyday.

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