Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 140 20 weeks

May 6th Wednesday

I've been here 20 weeks.

I had to go to Nokbeon today to meet with mk. I was there 20 minutes just to get one piece of paper so I could pay my management expenses. Its 96,000 this month. I was there at 1:30 but mk didnt show up till 1:40. I texted him about 1:35 and asked him "are we meeting today?" Then he comes about 5 mins later and tells me "i was in the convienent store. Ok so he's always telling me to not be late and he is late because he was in the store. Anyway he tells me to pay my management expenses by Saturday. He always stresses how you need to pay it on time. Man I'm a grown up!

Now I have 4 classes on Wed instead of 2.

My first class only has 2 students. They were in my tues/thurs class but now they are in a separate mon/wed class.I think that will be good for them since they dont have to be in that big class. There were 10 students in the other class. They are both really well behaved and they participate.

My 2nd class was moved from Friday to Wednesday. Today they weren't as good as they were on Monday. They wanted to talk to each other during class and I kept telling them to do their work. I also had to keep telling them not to work ahead. They were trying to do more than what i told them. I want to do the lesson as a class. We finished 2 pages and then I let them play a game since I didn't have time to cover any more new material. I was trying to give them a word test today but they didn't understand the format. I was going to call out a word and then they write it down. But instead they write all the words they can remember. I just let it slide this week. They spelled all the words right anyway. Next week I'll have to explain how it works. I know their Korean teachers have that format-they say a word and the students write it.

In my 4th class I had a "new" student. There was a student who was there in march and she left for the month of April and now she is back for May. I knew she looked familiar when I saw her in class. One of the students asked me "do you remember my friend?"

A few people commented on my hair today. One person said it made me look younger (yeah just what I people can think Im in high school).haha. One of the Korean teachers said it was pretty. Another teacher said it made me look better.ha. A student liked it.

I think its so funny when Koreans try to talk to me. One old man was talking to me while I was waiting for the subway. He gave me his business card and said he had food that would make me skinny.haha. The card is in korean so I cant read it. Then when i was on the elevator this one man was talking to me in Korean and I just looked at him. I had no clue what he was saying. Then these 2 women got on and they were just carrying on a one sided conversation. They were talking to me in Korean but I wasn't replying!!

Then there are those people who can speak English and they always want to know "why don't you know Korean?" or "are you going to learn Korean?". I do plan on learning a little bit but if I'm only going to be here 10 more months its kinda pointless and Im certianly not going to be proficient. I dont plan on staying in Korea for more than one year. Once I learn I'm going to forget. I'm not going to use Korean in the real world. It's just like algebra. When was the last time I used Algebra in the real world? never! I've forgotten most of the Spanish I took for 3 years.

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