Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 137 Nikon D40

May 3 Sunday

Today I went to Bundang to buy a camera from someone. Its a long ride on the subway. I was on the orange line for a long time then I got on the Bundang line. The journey one way was around 80 minutes.

Now I have a Nikon D40..a DSLR. I paid 350,000 ($273 usd) and I got the camera body, 2 battery packs, a charger, wireless remote, 1gb SD card and a bag. The camera is only 10 months old. Its really lightweight. Thats a great deal! The camera alone is worth more than $273 and I got a lot of extras.

Now I have to buy a lens. He had already sold the lens a while back, but I still wanted the camera. I'm going to buy a basic 18-55mm lens.

I can't wait till I can finally try it out! Oh and I need to see if I can find an English instruction manuel. He bought the camera in Korea so the manuel is in Korean. And I also want to find the book called "Nikon D40 for Dummies".

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