Monday, May 11, 2009

day 145/146

May 10/11 Sunday/Monday

Well nothing happened on Sunday so thats why I didnt write. The only thing I did all day was go grocery shopping. I bought some healthier foods. Tomatoes, oranges, cucumbers, pasta, chicken. I saw a George Foreman grill for 52,000 won (42 usd). I think I might go buy it. I have one at home in the USA, but I know shipping it here will be a massive amount of money since its heavy. Might as well just buy a new one. Just one more thing I have to sell before I leave in March.

I've got to eat healthier. I'm joining the gym on Tuesday. I need to lose weight and get into shape so I can walk up 60 stairs on the subway every day and not be out of breath. I also want to feel better about the way I look instead of being so self conscious all the time. I actually want to be able to find clothes here, but its going to be a long time before that happens. Asian women's clothes are tiny! I may never fit into their clothes. Asian women have small chests and small hips so Western women say its really hard to fit into their clothes.


I never want to get out of bed. I love to sleep. Today I was going to get up early to go to the bank. I woke up at 11am, but then I decided the bank could wait.The exchange rate has been going down lately. In a way I want to wait to see what it will do, but if I wait too long then it could be up again and my money is worth less in usd. I'm just going to go on Tuesday.

I slept till 12:50. Then I had to rush to get ready to leave at 1:30.

I washed my hair and dried it. I also used a straightening iron on it. My hair does funky stuff so i have to use my straightening iron. Then I went outside and it was raining. great all that work for nothing. I didn't take my umbrella. If I would have went back upstairs to get it I would have missed the subway and had to take the next subway 8 minutes later which would make me late for work. I also forgot my name badge while I was rushing out of the house. My hair got wet and it looked yucky all day. One of the korean teachers asked me if I got a perm. I told her my hair looks wavy when it rains. Its naturally straight but when it rains its wavy and not good.

I had to give a writing test in my 1st and 2nd class. After the test we didn't have time to go over any new material. I let my first class study for their word test in listening. I let my 2nd class play a game. We were playing 3,6,9 and we were counting all the way up to 200. When someone made a mistake we didn't start over.

My 3rd class of the day is more advanced. It didn't take him long to do the test. He made a 100 and we still had time to complete a whole writing unit.

I made a lot of writing tests during break. made new word lists. I hate tests!I have to give some of my students 3 tests this week. I didn't give my Tues/Thurs class a test last week because we missed one day. This week I'm giving them 2 word tests and one writing test.

I also need to assign essays this week so the first draft can be due next week and the final on the 4th week of the month. I have a hard time thinking of topics. I think I'll let the lower levels write about their favorite movie or their best friend. Level 7 just got finished talking about birthdays so I'm going to have them write on that topic. Level 8 and 9 just finished a unit on book reports so I'm going to give them a short fable to read and write about the characters and what happened in the story. I dont know about level 10 yet. I'll make him expand one of his paragraph assignments.

I didn't go to the gym tonight. I didn't feel like getting out in the rain again.Pluse I looked like crap. I told my friend Lesley I'd go tomorrow night.

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