Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 138 Schedule Changes

May 4 Monday

Today I had to meet mk at the school so he could give me my ARC. We were suppose to meet at 1:30pm. It was 1:40pm and I was getting tired of waiting so I texted him and asked him where he was. He called a few minutes later and said that he went to check on one of the teachers that called in sick. He could have called me and said "hey im going to be late" instead of making me sit around and wait. Anyway one of the teachers called in sick today. Mk went to his house (he lives in the same building as me) and he wasn't at home. If Mk knew he was going to be visiting the teacher in my building he could have called me and met me there and I wouldn't have to take a trip to his school. I don't think he has enough common sense to figure that one out.

I don't think I will ever call in sick unless I am so sick I can't get up. Over here if you call in sick they come looking for you.

Its 10 weeks into the semester and I have a schedule change. Some of my classes are moved around and I have 2 extra classes. I usually have a class called Pupa 5 on T/Th but now I teach that class on W/F and T/Th. And one of the teachers asked me if I would switch a class with her. She wanted to teach my 6:20 class and I teach her 8:00 class. Thats fine with me. Now I teach 2 classes till 5:45 then I get a break till 8pm.

My first class was good. They were acting silly at the end of class saying everything really fast.

My 2nd class surprised me. It was like night and day. They are usually active and like to get out of their seat and love to talk. The 2 boys were there today and the girl was absent.Today One of them didn't want to talk at all and the other one wanted to answer all the questions. They were perfect angels today. One of them asked to play a game and since they were being so good I let them. We played 3,6,9. One time we made it all the way up to 100 before stopping. We stopped because it was time to tell them what their homework was.

Tomorrow is a holiday!! (It's Children's Day)I get a day off from work.

I've got a full day planned. I'm going to work out at the gym at noon. Can you believe I'm going to be up before noon on a day off?? Then I'm going shopping for a camera lens at Namdaemun market. Then I'm going to Itaewon to a beauty salon to get a much needed haircut! I was searching for hair salons that spoke English and there was a recommendation for one in Itaewon. Its 25,000 for a wash/cut/dry. Thats a decent price. That comes out to about 19 usd which isn't much more than I pay at home.

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