Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 142

May 8th Friday

Today is Parent's day in Korea. Its not an official holiday as in things are closed but the kids are suppose to show appreciation for their parents.

Today I paid my management expenses-almost 97,000. Mk told me the office was on the 5th floor so i went there and there were 8 rooms so I didnt know which one to go to. I texted him and he said it was the 15th floor.

I went to the wrong class today. I usually have my lowest class at 4:10 on Friday, but this week the schedule changed so I didn't notice that it changed on Friday. Then I went to my regular class.

There was only one student in my first class. The other student was absent. I gave her the word test and she got 8 out of 10 right. Then she was really having trouble with the lesson today. I don't think she understands the material.

In my 2nd class we were going to have a word test. They were all frantically studying. They asked for 10 mins to study. I let them have 15. Then when it was time to take the test they were telling me to be quick. haha. Most of them did really good. One student only got 3 right (out of 10). Some of them were begging to not have the test today. I gave them the papers on Monday so they had all week to study. After the test was over I graded the papers. Then two boys in the back of the room started fighting. They were hitting each other. I went back there and broke it up and told them to sit in their seats. They were good for the rest of class. I don't know why they were mad at each other. They weren't saying anything. Just hitting each other.

In my 3rd class I had 2 new students. Now I have 8 students. 3 boys and 5 girls.Over the past week I've had 3 new students in that class. I don't know why we would accept new students 2 months into a semester. They have missed so much.Its good that the material doesn't progress in a way where you have to know what was in the previous chapter to understand the current chapter. The students begged me not to have the word test today. I told them okay but that meant we will have 2 nexts next week.Plus I have to give them a writing test next week. Most of my classes will have 3 tests next week because of missing one day this week. One of the boys in this class has a pencil case in the shape of a boy. Its like a doll and there is a zipper in the back so you can put in your pencils. He was playing with the pencil case in class making it walk across his desk. The boys thought it was so funny. At one point I had to tell him to stop playing and do his work.

I had to go to Nokbeon tonight to meet Mk to get my papers about my salary. He just not noticed my hair. I saw him the day after I got it cut (Wednesday). And today he said "you changed your hairstyle". He was explaining everything on my paystub. Its pretty self explanatory as to what everything is-I just want to sign it and get out! He was telling me that this would be the last month that I pay my security deposit. I'm glad! I'll have an extra 200,000 next month! He always wants to know what I'm doing every weekend-Where I'm going, who I'm going with. And he always wants to know if I'm going to Itaewon. Every week he asks "are you going to Itaewon this weekend?" I don't go there every weekend.

I'm going to see the Doonsan Bears tomorrow. Its one of Korea's pro baseball teams. A group of about 8 of us are meeting. I only know one person-my new recruiter. She posted on Facebook(she's one of my friends on facebook) that there was a baseball game and asked who wanted to come. I replied and said I'd like to come. My friend Lesley who teaches at my school saw my post on facebook and I'm going to meet her at her subway station and we are riding together.

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