Thursday, August 6, 2009

Korea creating woman only parking spots.....

Here's the full article:
Women only parking spots

Seoul is trying to become more "woman friendly". They are creating special pink parking spots for use by women in high heels. The spots will be near shopping malls and businesses so women won't have to walk that far.

Almost 5,000 spots have already been made. Its part of the "Women Friendly Seoul Project". They also want to create more restrooms for women, improved lighting in public places and more public day care centers.


I'm a girl and I think this is just ridiculous! I could see making spots for pregnant women or handicapped. That makes a lot of sense,but parking spots for women in high heels? That's crazy!Fashion is pain. I'd never expect to get a better parking spot just because I was wearing heels. When I wear high heels(very rarely) I know they are going to hurt and I don't expect to get special treatment.

I don't see it actually being enforced (say if a man parked there). It seems like not much at all is enforced over here. People park everywhere.

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