Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 238

August 12 Wednesday

I am so tired. I took a long nap about 4 hours before my real bedtime. I know thats not good but I could barely stay awake! I'll be so happy when this morning schedule is over! I know I don't get enough sleep. I usually get less than 6 hours. I'd like to get 8 hours but I dont want to go to bed at 11:30pm. I usually stay up till at least 1am.

We had another day of heavy rain for most of the day. It cleared up in the afternoon and the sun came out and it was hot! I'm so ready for cooler weather. I'm not ready for winter, but I'm ready for fall. The forecast says its suppose to be sunny for the next week with a high temperature of 91 degrees.

My first class was good as always. I wish all of my classes would be that enthusiastic! I wrote the parts on the board at the beginning of class. At one point I had everybody yelling at one time. Then finally they started to go one by one. I usually write down the name of the person who says it first. So if someone yells "I want to be Oscar" then I write down their name. If more than one wants to then I'll write a second column. Today I made 3 columns so we read the story 3 times. We had tons of speaking practice today. 3 students changed their names. One wanted to be Doosan Bears. Another wanted to be cookie and another wanted to be LG Twins. The bears and the twins are baseball teams in korea.

My 2nd class was just a little bit better today. 2 of them are actually doing their homework to get the prize. Last month they didnt do any of their homework. One of them only did half of his homework so I didnt give him credit. I told him he had to do all of his homework. There were a few times where they didnt pay attention but not as bad as normal. They begged for a game. We had 5 mins left of class and I was at a good stopping point so I let them play a game.

My 3rd class was good. One of the students didn't bring his book. He had his writing book, but we were doing speaking today. He wrote a message in his writing book on the front cover that said "help me SOS". I went to make him copies of the book. I don't know why he constantly doesn't bring his book to class! We had a good class today. We covered around 3 pages. Its hard to cover a lot in this class because the lessons are harder and longer. bb

I was done with classes at 12:25. Thats nice. Wednesday is my easy day. After class I made all my tests and homework for Thursday and Friday. I also planned for my Thursday classes.

I exercised for an hour today at the gym. I walked at a slow pace. I was watching Tim Gunn's Guide to Style 2 and I wanted to see how the show turned out. I was finished with my 45 min workout before the show was over so I reset the treadmill for 15 more mins to complete the show.

I like Tim Gunn's show. I like to see fashion transformations. I get a lot of good tips from those shows. I want to have a good fasion sense, but right now its just not possible. South Korea doesn't have pretty clothes in my size. I know of a few stores in Itaewon, but there isn't anything that is figure flattering so I look frumpy all the time. I wear jeans and knit tops. The same old stuff all the time. I think I'm going to order some things from the internet. I don't like to buy things without trying them on but I'll take a gamble. When I go back to America I need a whole new wardrobe for my new professional life. Hopefully I'll have lost some weight by then. I hate that its so easy to put on weight and so hard to take it off!

A woman needs 10 basic items in her wardrobe. When I get home I'm going to get all those items.

I need some new tennis shoes. I might go shopping for some this weekend.

On Saturday I'm taking Korean lessons from a Korean guy who works at Lesley's school. He wanted to teach free Korean lessons. Me and Lesley were interested.

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