Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 324...sweet...only 2 classes

Friday November 6

Well I only had 2 classes today. That was nice. So I taught 2 45 minute classes and goofed off for the rest of the day. During my massive free time I downloaded and watched "Sex Rehab" (a show with Dr Drew. Celebs who are addicted to sex) and "Wife Swap". I watched the episode of Wife Swap where the Heene family was on for the 100th show. (The Heene family is famous for the whole "balloon boy" hoax)

My first class was good. We were in the computer lab. Everyone was doing their work so that was good. Most of my students who were absent all week were present today. I only had 2 absent students in this class. The new student was actually doing her work like I wanted it to be done. She took her time and she read and answered the questions. She wanted to listen, but there are only 3 headsets. There are 3 computers that are bad. I told the staff about them, but no one has attempted to do anything about it. I just have to work with bad materials. The students called it "Ddong com"...which loosly translated could mean "piece of shit computer"..really..ddong is the word for poop. I agree with them. Those 3 computers are terrible. Half of class is wasted because they are so slow and I can't do anything about it.

After class I usually have a 2nd class in the computer lab. I was still in the computer lab waiting on them at 5:10. Class starts at 5:05 so I was going to see where they were. The Korean teacher was on her way to class and told me there was no class. No students showed up. So I just sat at my desk.

At 7:05 I went to my 2nd and last class for the day. 2 out of 3 students didn't bring their book so I had to make copies. One student lost her book. I gave them a few minutes to study for their spelling test. They weren't studying. They were just talking to each other. Both of the girls made a 28. This class is pointless. Its not like they are learning to spell. They won't even study. Their averages last month ranged from a 35-75. They kept talking today and I had to keep telling them to pay attention. I can't ever get caught up. I'm still about 10 pages behind. I need to finish the book this month. I wonder what kind of books they will get for next month.

I'm going cycling tomorrow for my Korean class. Wow. I haven't ridden a bike in so long. This should be interesting. Hopefully I don't fall off.haha.

I skipped the gym. I just didn't want to go. I don't know how many times I'll go next week. My contract is up on Wednesday. I probably won't exercise on Wednesday but I'm going to say goodbye to the fitness counselor and the personal trainer. I'll miss the cute front desk guy!

I was reading Yahoo news today and I saw this headline:

Jobless rate tops 10 pct. for first time since '83

Nearly 16 million people can't find jobs even though the worst recession since the Great Depression has apparently ended.Counting those who have settled for part-time jobs or stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate would be 17.5 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994.

That scares me especially when I have to go back to the USA in March. The economy and jobs are going down the tube. What am I going to do? I don't want to be stuck in some dead end job again. I left America because I couldn't find a good job. I'm running out of options. Maybe I'll just be the loser who lives with her parents for the rest of her life. I'm sure they'd love that.

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