Friday, June 26, 2009

Day favorite animal is a unicorn

June 25 Thursday

Well today was much better than Tuesday!

I just hate that I'll have to give some many makeup tests. I gave 2 tests today. In my first class one student was absent. In my second class 1 student was absent. I don't even know how to test him because he has missed 4 classes and hasn't learned any of the material in the new book. There was one student in my 3rd class who was late and there wasn't enough time to give him the test. Another student in that class was absent. So I have to give 4 makeup tests on Tuesday. yuck.

In my first class all of the students lost their essay papers. So I gave them another one. Hopefully they turn it in. I gave them 2 tests today. They did well on both tests. They were also well behaved (as always). We only had enough time to do one activity in the book. I assigned the cdrom exercises for the next unit so they would have a head start on what we will be doing next class. I hate having to give so many tests. On days when I have to give tests there isn't much time to cover other material.

In my 2nd class we took 2 tests. After the tests there wasn't much time left so I let them play a game while I graded tests. They all did pretty good on both tests.

During my break I was sitting at my computer talking to Johnny Depp. haha. I showed him my homepage on facebook and he showed me his homepage on cyworld. I saw some pics of him when he was younger-baby pics, high school pics, pics from when he was in the military(military service is required here), and college pics. We were talking about music and other things. He likes all kinds of music. he was telling me how much he likes electronic, techno, house, heavy metal. He also told me he was good at firing guns. We talked for a long time. Its hard at times because of the language barrier. Sometimes we can't understand each other and I have to talk really slow most of the time so he can understand.

The Korean teacher talked to my 3rd class before class started. They were the class I had the most problems with on Tuesday. She talked to them in Korean so I don't know what she said. Whatever she told them it worked. It was like night and day. I think she slipped some magic tranquilizers or something.haha. They were very well behaved. They didn't talk during the tests. I didn't have to tell them to be quiet at all. We finished the unit and reviewed then I let them play a game for 10 minutes. They all did okay on the tests except for one student who made a 35 on the writing test.

My 4th class always gives me problems. They aren't being really bad, but they like to talk to each other and do their work really slowly and talk in between. So whatever they don't finish I just make them do it for homework. I gave them 3 pages for homework. All of the students did pretty good on the writing tests. I could definatly tell they haven't done the activities on their cdrom yet.They all did very poorly on the material that we learned on Tuesday. The highest score was a 4 out of a possible 10 points. One of the students was trying to cheat. He was trying to look at his book in his bookbag. I took his bookbag away and put it on the desk behind him. One of the girls looked at him and told me "he's cunning". I actually understand-Its Konglish for 'cheating'.

My 5th class was good. They took their writing test and we finished up a unit in our writing book. Then they had a little free time. I wasn't planning on giving them a test on Tuesday but they asked for one. I told them to study unit 1 of their book.

I think about half of my students turned in their essays. One of them was particularly funny.

Level 4 had to write about their favorite animal. The student didn't write in complete sentences but it was funny reading his answers.

What is your favorite animal: unicorn
What does it look like: parents
What does it eat: meats
Where does it live: Gusan (in Seoul)

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