Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 181...i hate my job and I met a Korean celeb

June 16 Tuesday

8 more months of this crap! Will I survive without having a nervous breakdown? I might be tramatized in 8 months and need to be put into a psychiatric ward when I get home! I'm definatly taking a few weeks off to destress and take a vacation to NYC with my mom when I get home before I start diving into the job hunt.

I found out today that I have to be recorded AGAIN because my video on Friday was bad. Its going to be the same students as the last one. They said I didn't have enought speaking in my WRITING class. I told them it was a writing class. Then they said "do speaking this time." I will be doing speaking on Wednesday because thats what day we do it. WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS? Lesley, another foreign teacher, said she didn't have to do it. WHY ME? IM THE WORST TEACHER. SERIOUSLY. DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO REPRESENT THE SCHOOL? maybe the other campuses aren't advertising for their school. yuck. Why should I care about their advertising? I don't see an extra cent no matter how many students they get.

1st class went good today. The students participated and did well. We didn't have our new books so I had to teach them out of another book which I will be using for another class. I let them play hangman at the end of class. They mostly used words from the book so they were reinforcing what they learned.

What is up with this? I can't go to class unprepared but they can be unprepared by not even giving me books on time?

In one of my classes right now I'm using the student book and it only comes with an interactive cdrom so I'm going to take my computer to class and play the cd. If they don't like it then too bad. I can't teach if you don't give me the right materials.

I had my book for my 2nd class. We went over 4 pages of material. We had a productive class. I gave them a lot of speaking time to ask each other if they liked certian foods that we learned, but some of them didn't do what I told them to. OKAY I GAVE THEM SPEAKING TIME AND I HAD TO BEG THEM TO SPEAK TO EACH OTHER! THATS SO FRUSTRATING!! They wanted to know what an avocado was. I didn't know how to describe it. Maybe I'll bring one to class on Thursday so they can see. I gave them a listening exercise to do at home. There's a cd with their book. Hopefully they will do it.

I had a new student in my 3rd class. So I have 2 twin girls, 3 loud boys and 1 quiet boy. Today they were loud. I had to constanly tell them to be quiet. They weren't really paying attention. I let them play a game in the last 10 minutes of class. Its funny. Its sorta like hide and seek. One student is "it" and they put a book bag over their head and the students are running around the room and the 'blindfolded' person is trying to find them. quite entertaining.

I actually had a good 4th class. There are 2 girls in the class. They always participate and do their homework. They really liked the song in the book. We listened to it twice. One of the students was up dancing to it and trying to get me to dance. Then they wanted to listen to the cd with the funny song from last class. I didn't have that cd with me because it was from a different book. I let a student get it from my desk and we listened to it.

My last class enjoyed the interactive part of class. I didn't have a cd to listen to. Just an interactive cd rom so I took my laptop to class. We could have had a better class if I would have had the right materials, but they are crazy and didnt order my books on time. There was a part in the book where I didn't know what went in the blank so I just made something up and made the students write it. I wish there was a way to incorporate the interactive aspect because they really liked it. They liked trying to drag the words to the correct blank and try out the games on the cd. When we get the actual books I'm going to assign the cd rom activities as homework. I think they will be beneficial if the students actually do them. My school isnt high tech enough to actually have a projector screen-if they had one it would be great. When I told them they didn't have any homework they were excited.

When I was at the gym I came out of the locker room and this man was very friendly and said 'hello'. He was working out in the gym. The Korean men never say hello to me (except the personal trainers). I found out later that he was "Mr Lee". He's a Korean celeb, but I dont know what he's famous for. I would have just went on with my life not even knowing that I talked to a celeb.haha.Lesley actually got a picture with him. She saw someone taking a photo with him and she decided she wanted a photo too (because she thought he was cute). I was on the treadmill and she asked me "who is he?. He's hot". I said "I don't know. He said hey to me earlier." Then I told her to ask someone. She asked a girl at the desk and she said he was "Mr Lee"--the gym is called "Mr Lee Energy gym". (its named after him). He was going around talking to people. He didn't speak to us really. Maybe he doesn't speak English because when he saw me he said hello in Korean. Tonight at the gym I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and rode the bicyle for 25 minutes (10 km). I burned about 260 calories.

I'm prepared for my classes tomorrow. If the kids will be good then my videos should be good. I've thought about how to get the students to speak a lot in my last 2 higher level classes. There is a lot of good material in my 2 higher classes. Not so much in my 2 lower classes. I have to start assigning essays tomorrow. oh joy. I'm actually threatening to call their parents if they don't turn it in. Maybe that will put a fire under them. I'm also going to give out class rules. I didn't make rules at the beginning and my classes were fine for the most part, but now all of a sudden they want to be bad-3 classes in particular-all lower level classes.

I think Im even going to come up with a bribery system..i mean reward system to try to get them to behave and do homework. Starting in July, if they do their homework and behave I will give them a sticker. If they get stickers for every class in the month then they will get a small prize. I need to take some time this weekend to go to the store and pick out little things I think they would like. inexpensive prizes-to have a prize box to let them choose what they like.

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