Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 176

June 11 Thursday

I decided that I was going to give 3 of my classes mad libs today as a fun activity.

I can't believe its so hard! They don't know what adjectives or verbs are. The Korean teachers are suppose be teaching them grammar. How can you teach grammer without starting with the basics like adjectives and verbs?

My first class did okay. I think they liked the mad lib. They laughed while they were reading it. We only had time to do the activity and go over homework and read a short story in the book. They were well behaved so that was good.

My 2nd class was troublesome. They can't follow simple directions. I gave them a sheet and told them to write one word beside each blank. I gave them examples of different adjectives and verbs since they don't understand. They wrote more than one word beside each blank. Then when I was getting them to read them out loud the other students were being disrespectful. After they read theirs they just got up and started playing a game while people are still reading theirs. I thought it would be a neat activity but I dont think this class really understood.

My 3rd class did okay with the mad lib. After we were done I let them play a game.

In my 4th class we did a writing unit.

We did a writing unit in my 5th class too. And she attempted to teach me some more Korean.

The Swine flu has officially become a Pandemic. WHO moved the level rating up to a level 6-the highest level. Man will it ever go away??

I skipped the gym tonight.

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