Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 175

June 10 Wednesday

Today one of the Korean teachers asked me if I had paid my gas bill. I told her I just got it today. She said "are you going to pay it today?". No. Are you going to pay it tomorrow. maybe. (Actually I'm going to pay it on Friday! Its not due till the 20th!!) She was telling me that when I give them the receipts that the school will give the money back to me. What? Do we get the money back for all the bills we paid? Thats what she told me. If so then I'll gladly give the receipts! Wonder when I'll get the money back. At the end of my contract? If she's wrong then I'm going to be disappointed!

The korean teacher told me that I'm going to be videotaped for about 10 minutes in all of my classes on Friday. oh my! At least I only have 3 classes. Its going to be weird. I wonder if they will be videotaped too. I asked her who was going to watch the video and she didn't understand. She told me "maybe a man will videotape you". huh? She told me to prepare something fun for the kids and dress nicely. I think I'm going to take a mad lib to class as a fun warm up activity. It will be funny to see what they all come up with. I'm going to give them the paper where they write down their words first. Then hand them the story to fill in the blanks and let them read it to the class. I think it will also be good for getting them to recognize what adjectives and verbs are. I hate that I'll be videotaped teaching one student in my lowest level class. ugh. Maybe they will record at the beginning of class and my mad lib will take up all the time.

In my first class was loud today but they were still decently behaved. 2 of my students want to change their names. One wants to be Christian Bale.haha. One of my students wants to change his name to desksksksksksk.(I dont know if he's really serious). here's the story on that one. He was in another level and one of our vocab words was desk. The cd skipped on desk so it sounded like desksksksksk so he likes to say it all the time. That same student asked me "are you a Christian?" I said "yes" and he said "I'm a Christian". He was excited. Its good to see children who are professing their faith esp in a country where Buddhism plays a huge part.

My 2nd class was full of energy and I dont think they stayed in their seat for more than 10 minutes. They were constantly getting up and not paying attention. Its one of the lower levels and I have a 10 year old and 2 11 year olds. One of the boys took my chalk and they kept passing it around to each other and I had to beg them to give it to me. They begged for a game then when I let them play a game they didn't really play anything. I didn't really accomplish anything in this class today. At least it was easy material that they already know--the months of the year. One of the students changed his name last time to "boy". This class he wanted to change his name again. He looked at the animal poster on the wall and decided that he wanted to be "gorilla."

In my 3rd class I only had one student-one was absent. We went over about 5 pages of material.

My last class didn't want to be quiet. There were 3 boys who were sitting together who were constantly talking and I had to beg them to do their work. Near the end of class one of the boys made another one of the boys cry. I don't know what he did to make him cry. It was just all of a sudden. I was going over answers and he starts crying right before class ended. There were also 2 girls who were constantly talking to each other. I had to walk around the room the whole class and make sure they were all doing their work.

I had a good workout tonight. I was on the eliptical for 25 minutes. Then I cycled for 20km (12 miles!) in 38 minutes. Lesley always wonders how I get so far ahead of her. We are both cycling at about the same speed but my distance is always ahead of hers. Wonder if it has anything to do with the program I use. I use the 'random hill' function. She asked me if it felt like I was going up hills, but it doesnt seem to be going up hills. maybe I'm just used to it by now. I'm beginning to like the recumbent bike.

Lesley was excited about her new toy she bought at the toy shop. She showed it to me. In Korea its called "magic screen". She said when she went to the store to get it she asked for a "sandbox". Its a smaller version of the 'etch a sketch'. I told her that in America its called an 'etch a sketch'and I had one when I was a kid. She showed it to the personal trainer. He'd never seen it before. it was funny watching him trying to figure out how to use it.

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