Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 172/173

June 7-8 Sunday/Monday

Well Sunday was another lazy day around the house. I only left so I could go to Pizza School for supper.

My first class is boring. I have one student in my lowest level class. I don't know how to make it interesting or how to make the material last where she isn't repeating the same words over and over. Today we were talking about colors and things like pencil, backpack, erasor, crayon. I had her repeat everything 2 or 3 times. One more class and we will have completed the book.

My 2nd class was begging me to give them a test! wow! I didn't have a test prepared nor did I give them one but they were practically begging for one. I've never had that happen before. I had one of the students make up his writing tests. The other 2 students were telling him the answers and he still made a 60. Then they begged me to play a game. I told them we'd play a game at 5:30. Then when the time came around for a game they didn't want to play anything. they just wanted to mess around and write on the board. The student in the next classroom kept knocking on the wall. They heard it and they all ran out of the classroom and into the other classroom. Then they came back and kept knocking on the wall. They weren't really paying attention in class. They were full of energy and didn't want to stay in their seat. Well one student sat in his seat but the 10 year old and the 11 year old just kept getting up.

I'll be glad when we start new books. This will give me a fresh start to make some changes and try harder. I'm going to try to implement the tips I was given. Bringing in pictures, explaining the vocab in more detail. I'm going to make a sheet with the definitions and use each word in a sentence. Review vocab everyday then give a matching test-match the vocab word with the definition. I think it would be neat to teach them some harder words just for fun-not to be tested. I might teach some SAT vocab to my upper level students just to expand their vocab.

I had a good workout tonight at the gym. I burned about 240 calories in an hour. I am beginning to love to go to the gym. Its my escape. A great stress reliever. I wanted to walk on the treadmill or get on the eliptical but they were all full. So me and Lesley decided to get on the stationary recumbent bikes. I didn't like it last time I tried it but I think I do like it now. Once I started biking fast my legs didnt want to slow down! Me and Lesley were racing each other.haha. I was ahead of her in distance and she biked really fast to pass me in distance.We biked for about 37 minutes--10 km.(about 6 miles) Then I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes for about 1.5 km which is about a mile. We went to talk to the personal trainer after our workout. He is on my case about "eat your vegetables."(I hate vegetables!)(why can't they make a lowfat big mac?!) When I told him that I biked 10km he said "where's your sweat?". crazy! I told him I wiped it off with the towel. I found out his age. He's 27 Korean age which would be 25 if he lived in America. We are all in 2 year increments...Lesley is 25, he is 27 and Im 29(korean age). While we were at the gym Lesley met 2 other foreign guys. She talked to them before I showed up at the gym so I didnt talk to them. They live in my building. They told her that a girl from SC lived in their building. I asked her "how did they know that?" When she told me one of their names I remembered meeting him. I met him in March in the elevator at my building. So there is at least 5 white people at our gym.haha. Me and Lesley are the only girls and usually the only foreigners there after 10pm.

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