Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 364

Wednesday December 16

1st class is still a challenge and I don't really know how much good I am doing.he couldn’t spell any of the words. I told him we’d do it again on Friday.He obviously doesn't spend anytime studying the words. Today was our newspaper class. 1st we listened. Then read together twice. I would have him read by himself but he can barely repeat after me. He was very tired. Put head on desk and kept falling asleep. I kept waking him up to read. He told me he was sleepy. I cant just let him sleep in class. He cant find answers so I just tell him the answers. At the end of class we were reading and he just started crying. I don’t know why. I just ended class there. We only had 3 mins anyway.

My 2nd class was writing. We had a good class. We talked about exclamations, questions, statements. One of the students was telling me what the Korean names for exclamation marks, question marks were. We covered a few pages and then I let them play a game. They all needed help turning statements into questions and exclamations. Except one student-she did it on her own. One of our questions was about using exact words. They had to write a sentence about a giant pumpkin. I told them to write about a giant pumpkin and what happened but they weren’t too creative. Some of them just copied my example. I said “I saw a giant blue pumpkin. It blew up like a bomb.” Some of them just said they saw a giant ugly pumpkin. I was trying to get them to be creative.haha.

My 3rd class was writing. Both students didn't bring their book. We did 2 lessons plus extra material. They did good on all the material that we learned today. They didn’t want to do the extra material but I cant let them have tons of free time.

My Conversation class was okay. I gave them a test. Then they had free time. Some people did okay on the test. Others not so well. I can tell they don't pay attention or study. When the test comes around they act like they've don't know how to do it. I used examples straight from the book. The boys like to tell on the other boys..he said a bad word. I understood on of the words he said. I said “I know what it means”---(fuck)

My last class was on their usual bad behavior. They don’t listen. They wont read after me. They play on their cellphones all during class. I think they are sending texts to each other. That class is a waste of time.I ask the questions over and over and over and they don’t even look for answers. I ask for the answer and they just say "I dont know". They won't even search for the answer. Sometimes I just get frustrated and just give the answer. 2 kids keep asking for games. I tell them if they are really good they will get a game then the whole class ruins it. I’ll make sure they never get a game. I’m going to start taking away cellphones also. Its time to play dirty. I just wish there was some way to get these kids to behave. They don't even pay attention to me. I just stand up there and talk for the sake of talking. I had 5 articles that I wanted to cover, but because of their bad behavior I was only able to fully cover 2 of them. I told them to do the rest of the articles on their own for homework and that I was taking it up for a grade. I'm going to put that stuff on the test even if we didnt talk about it in class. It's their own fault for not paying attention. They don't even care if they get a bad grade anyway.

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