Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 351

Thursday December 3

My cold is getting better. My nose is no longer runny but still a little stuffy. Now I have a cough every once and a while. I feel fine for most of the day. I use nquil at night when I sleep and its great. I think when I take nqyuil I have the best sleep and I stay in one position all night instead of turning a few times. I just found out my only 2 nyquil that I have left expired in April. Great. No wonderful sleep tonight. How will I make it through winter? Its not even winter and I've almost used up my nyquil! I doubt I can get it here and if I could it would probably be marked up 2-3 times its US value.

It was an easy day. I only had one 55 minute class. The rest of the day was spent in a daze sitting at my computer making conversation examples and watching a Korean drama.

The teacher's assistants had to make copies of the textbooks from what point I am at right now. That must have been boring making all those copies. Rather than have the students buy the book they are just making copies for the new students.

I had one new student in conversation class. He was very good and participated. I went to make him a copy while waiting for the students to come to class. Then after I’m ready to start another student tells me she doesn’t have her book so I had to leave again and make copies. Why couldn't she tell me when she knew I had to make a copy for the new kid?

3 boys didn’t participate. (the same 3 trouble makers who never participate) 4 people participated. The 3 boys played around all class and barely paid attention. They kept playing on their phones so I eventually just took their phones away. I took away 4 of the boys phones and just put them on a desk at the front of the class. They were also playing with a ping pong ball. They kept throwing it around the room. There is a little window in the class room that goes into the hall. The window was open and the ball went out into the hall so I wouldn’t let them go out and get it. They said they all of a sudden had to go to the bathroom but I saw the ball fly out the window and I wasn’t going to let them go. I stood in front of the door and just told them to sit down. Then I made 2 of them change seats. That didn’t help too much. The one boy just turned around to talk to the person behind him and they were beating each other on the head with their textbooks. Next week I’ll separate them and take away their cell phones at the beginning of class. I prepared a lot for the class. We didn’t get finished and we worked all the way up to class was over. I prepare a lot of stuff to help the students and also to keep from finishing too early. One girl kept drawing during class and I had to tell her to pay attention but at least she wasn’t causing any commotion like the boys.

Today I spent way too much time sitting at my desk, but I didn't have anything else to do. When I left work I just felt like I was in a daze from doing nothing all day long.

When I was packing up my bags and getting ready to head out the door the teachers were saying goodbye. My co-teacher said "have a nice weekend". I didn't say anything back. Its only Thursday! Maybe she's in a daze from watching the same movie for 2 days.

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