Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 56

Day 56 February 11, 2009 Wednesday

I've been here 8 weeks! wow. 54 left. @382 days. It sounds so long when you try to count down.

I got a package today from home! It contained a bunch of candy, my transcripts for my new job, random mail, and a lint roller. My mom sent it! I've been eating a lot of the caramel things with the white stuff in the middle. yum!

Today I had to teach 2 lessons in all of my classes. I hate 2 lesson days! there's not enough time!!

In my first class we talked about the modern vs ancient olympics and the 1988 olympics in Seoul.

My 2nd class we talked about Practical jokes. This class was very bad today. The troublemaker made trouble as always which causes the other people to gang up on him. I tell them to quit and stop calling him names but they won't. I've told the korean teacher. They also are loud and don't like to be quiet. I don't think the troublemaker would make some much trouble if they would quit dishing it right back to him. They keep hitting back and forth. Someone hit the troublemaker and made him cry near the end of class. I don't know who it was because he was crying so hard that he couldn't tell me until class was over and the students were gone. He told me the boy in the blue coat. I can't remember who was wearing the blue coat. I told the korean teacher that someone hit him. The troublemaker is gross. He stuck a pencil up his nose and then stuck it in his mouth.After he stuck the pencil in his mouth the other kids said "eat it"...well he did. I gave them a new essay today and even explained what the topic was. I bet there will still be people who write about the wrong thing. I spent so much time trying to get these students to behave and I didn't have time to go to the 2nd lesson. I'll have to do 2 lessons next time.

2 of my students asked me some bad words. One of them said "What is a son of a bitch?". Then another student said "what is god damn?" I'm not even explaining that to kids. I asked them where they heard it and they said from one of their friends. I said "those are very bad words."

In my 3rd class we talked about "Golfing in a storm" and "Lost on the mountain".

In my 4th class I only have one student. We got finished with both lessons. She is a very good student who asks a lot of questions. I have to explain so much but at least she wants to know what the words mean.

I couldn't find the 6th episode of The Bachelor!! Hopefully someone uploads it soon. I already know Naomi went home but I gotta see it! I also downloaded more scrubs episodes!

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