Sunday, February 8, 2009

day 53

Day 53 February 8th, 2009 Sunday

Well nothing to report for today. Just another boring day. I have really got to get out and go to church. i just think finding one is going to be the challenge.

I wanted to go see "He's Just Not That Into You" but it wasn't playing at our theater. Why? Why would you show a preview for the movie and have the advertisement poster if you aren't going to play the movie? its crazy. Maybe its coming later and not when it was suppose to open (this weekend!)

I'm going to sound like a real jerk when I say this but I'm tired of all these foreigners (From India, Bangladesh, etc.) who can speak English who just come up to me and start talking. I don't mind meeting new people but I can't ever understand what they are saying. Today when I was at the subway station this man starts talking to me while I'm going down the stairs. The only thing I understood was "I'm from Bangladesh". Then he kept on talking and I couldn't understand a word he said because of his thick foreign accent. I got him to repeat it a million times. I finally just ended up walking away. sorry but there's no use in a unproductive conversation.

So why do they all gravitate towards me??

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