Monday, February 9, 2009

day 54 final testing and boredom

day 54 February 9, 2009 Monday

Today the students were taking their final tests. I don't know why we are giving them a final exam 3 weeks before the semester is over. It would make more sense to test them on all they have learned on the last week of school. Its just one of the many things I don't understand over here.

I had to start off in one room with a dictation test. I'd say a short sentence 3 times and they had to write down what I said.

Then they took a listening part of the test with their Korean teacher. Then I had to give them a speaking test. I'd ask them a series of questions from 2 lessons in their book and they would have to answer correctly. I was grading them on how well they gave their answer. I got done with all my students then the teacher's assistant comes downstairs to the teacher lounge to tell me that I had to do another speaking test. One of my students was late. He's late a lot. Even on the day of the final test.

All of my students in the first class did an okay job. They had grammar mistakes but other than that it was pretty good. I gave them all decent scores. Except for one kid. He only spoke one time. He didn't know the answers so I gave him a very low score. I don't even know why he had to take the test. He's only been in my class 3 times.

A lot of them made mistakes on their dictation. Lots of spelling mistakes, no punctuation and they missed some words.

between classes I was so bored. I didn't have anything to do. My speaking tests didn't take long so I had a lot of time between classes. I just sat around and played on the internet. looked at sites and played soduku.

Then I gave 5 more speaking tests. They all did a good job.

Then I had 2 hours to just sit around and do nothing. I was done by 8:00 and we have to stay till 10pm. I surfed the web, downloaded some tv shows/music/superbowl commercials and graded dictation papers. Then right before it was time to leave they gave me the essay papers I had to grade for 4 of my students. These students do not know how to write essays. They were writing about ghosts. I don't know how to grade essays so I just guessed on what to give them as a grade. The scores ranged from a 22 to 24 out of a possible 36 points.

Tomorrow I have to do this all over again. I have to give a speaking test to about 25 of my students and I have to teach a middle school class.

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