Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 284

Sunday Sept 27

What have I done today? Well nothing productive!

There are things that I need to do but I just haven't got around to them.

Eventually I'll get around to:

*cleaning (my room is a mess! a big mess!)
*going to Emart for food
*studying/preparing for speaking tests
*making a test for my conversation class
*finish grading the tests from last week

I have no clue how to do the speaking tests. I hate that I have no stories, no vocab, no concepts. I have a picture and questions about whats happening in the picture. All I can do is just an oral test. I'm going to show them a topic and have them describe the picture. Then I'll have them to read the questions and give me an answer. I'll pick 10 questions. They will be graded on using full sentences, understanding of the question, giving the right answer, grammar. Each one will be worth 10 points. I'll give them a point range for each question from 1-10 on how well they answered. Then I'll adjust their grade factoring in how much they have participated in class-plus or minus a few points.

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