Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 270

Sunday Sept 13

Well I was planning on going to the beach today, but I changed my mind. I was tired after my little misadventure yesterday.

I will go next Sunday.

I slept till 2:30 then I just sat around and did nothing.

Around 7pm I went to Independence Park since its really nearby. I went to the Nokbeon subway station and it was only 3 stops away. I wanted to see the newly renovated space and take a photo of the Dongnimmun Gate. The park was suppose to be completed by July but it still looks unfinished. There are construction gates up everywhere. At least the walls are down. Last time I went there were tall walls up where you couldn't see what was on the other side. At least I got a photo of the gate. I also got a photo of the declaration of independence monument and a statue of the first Korean American.

Then I went by Pizza school and got a combination pizza. The combination pizza is really good and cheap! Its approx. the size of a medium in the US and its only 5,000 won which is less than $5 usd. On the pizza there is corn, onions, green peppers, pepperoni?, some kind of meat, and cheese. Having corn on a pizza is a different experience but I like it.

I tried to go to my bank and pay my bills, but the machine wasn't working. I guess you can only pay them during business hours. that sucks!

I went shopping at Emart to get some groceries. I couldn't find the pasta that I like. They were remodeling that section of the store so I guess it got moved somewhere else. I decided to splurge and get some downy fabric softener. I also got some easy off bam and toilet cleaner so I could clean the bathroom.

I cleaned the bathroom tonight and its almost spotless. The only drawback is the extremely strong smell that comes from the easy off bam. It will almost take your breath away. I'll get around to sweeping the floor in my room eventually.

Now I have to study for my classes! Oh no!


Unknown said...

I've never been to Pizza School but I heard they are good :) I had pizza last night with my friends at Pizza Hut, and compared to Pizza School, 피자헛 is so expensive!! :(

Valerie Knight said...

Pizza School is good and cheap! I agree..Pizza Hut is really expensive!