Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 272

Tuesday Sept 15

Today actually went by pretty smoothly.

In my first class we only covered one lesson in our speaking book. We were talking about various responses to situations. The title was "what should he do?". One of the questions was "What should he do if he saw a car hit a girl and keep going?". One of the students said "tell her not to cry." Oh my. I asked her "what if she is hurt?". Then she said "call 911". That was what I was hoping would be her first response. One boy in the class kept putting his head down and he wouldn't answer any of my questions. He left later. He said he had a headache and was going to the hospital. When we got finished with one lesson they asked if they could have free time. They were begging me not to do the 2nd lesson. They wanted to do the 2nd lesson as homework but its a speaking lesson so I said we'd do it next time. Then the rest of class was free time.

My 2nd class is hilarious. We laugh all during class. While they were out getting water and going to the bathroom I was drawing the signs on the board. Today we were talking about various signs like no U turn, school zone, etc. One of the signs was a picture of a man with a helmet (something that would be on a work site). One of the boys got up from his seat and drew a funny face on the sign. They love to play around during class. I don't really mind as long as they participate when I ask them to. One of the boys was playing with toy guns all during class.

My 3rd class was in the computer lab. When I went in the lab there were 3 students doing their homework. The one student left when our class started. I told the girls we needed the computers for our class. I was trying to be nice about it. The girls told me they were doing their online homework. They left 5 mins later so it didn't disrupt my class too much. I was wondering what I was going to do if 2 of my students didn't have computers to work on. I got the students to go to the website and read the article and answer the questions. I saw some of them trying to cheat. I told them not to take the test and memorize the answers and take it again. Some of them finish with the articles too fast. I dont think they are reading it. I think they are just guessing on the tests too. Oh well. they are only hurting themselves. One of the students looked at the articles ahead of time at home and wrote all the answers on a piece of paper. A student told on him and I told him not to cheat. the paper was in his bookbag and he kept looking in his bookbag and she kept telling on him. I made him move his bookbag somewhere else so he couldnt look anymore. Some of them got finished too early so I made them answer the comprehension questions. They have a hard time finding the answers to the questions. If they read hard enough they would easily find the answers. I showed them where to look. I made them write the answers down. I had to have something to occupy them so they aren't trying to look at other websites.

In my last class we covered 2 lessons. We talked about makeup and household chores. One of our questions was "These days men wear makeup. What do you think about that?" I asked the boy in the class. He said he thought it was good. haha. The MWF class said it was crazy. We finished 15 mins early so I asked them if they wanted something fun to do. I gave them a word search. They all had fun doing that. The boy was excited when I held it up to show the class. They asked me if it was homework. I told them just for fun.

I'm going to the Asia Song Festival this weekend!! Its going to be awesome! I'll write a blog explaining that later!!

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