Monday, May 5, 2014

Helpful Tips: Trash pickup in South Korea

Just thought I'd offer some helpful tips for living in South Korea. The trash pickup system is a bit different from the USA.


They don't use glad, hefty, etc.You have to use a specially marked bag for your district. You can find these bags at local supermarket or convenient stores.(buy them in your neighborhood) They are behind the counter so you have to ask for them. They are called 쓰레기 봉투 (seu reg gi bong tu). They come in a few different sizes up to 100 Liters. I usually get the 20 Liter size. They come in bundles of 10 bags. A bundle of the 20 Liter bags costed about 5,000 won (@$5.00). The cost of the trash bags covers trash collection costs. You don't pay a trash collection fee like you do in the US.

These were the general trash bags for Eungam-dong in Seoul:

There are also bags for food waste. They are called 음식물 쓰레기 봉투. (eum shik mul seu reg ri bong tu). These come in 3, 5, and 10 Liter size. You only put food waste into these bags. Only put things in the bag that an animal could eat. Do not put seeds, shells, bones, feathers.

Putting Out the Trash

There may be a designated area set up at the place where you live. You can only put out trash Monday-Friday from 7pm to 11pm. There is no garbage collection on the weekend. Garbage that is not in the correct bag will not be picked up.

Separating Your Trash

Trash has to be separated according to recyclable items, food waste, and general trash.

Regular trash goes into the general trash bag. 

Food waste goes into a marked food waste bag. 

Some apartment complexes have recycle bins. If there are no bins then place them in a clear bag. Ask your apartment manager when and where you can put out your recyclable items. Recyclable items should not be mixed in with your general trash.

What can be recycled? 

Paper: newspapers, paper bags, card board, paper boxes, notebooks, books
Plastic: Items with 2, 4, or 5 on the container, plastic bags
Glass: glass drink bottles
PET bottles: number 1 on the bottle
light bulbs (not broken bulbs)
Metals: drink cans, spray cans, stainless steel, aluminum
Film: candy wrappers with recycle logos, instant noodle wrapping
Milk containers
cotton clothing

**rinse/wash the containers before putting them into the recyclable items

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