Wednesday, May 21, 2014

1st day of teaching alone

Current Temp: 66 degrees at 11:45PM

Exchange Rate: 1026 KRW = $1 USD

This afternoon my boss' parents wanted me to eat lunch with them (I was going to go out). Its always funny when I'm around them. They talk to me in Korean and I don't understand 90% of it. Sometime I can understand their broken English. Today I had rice, apples, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, gim (seaweed). I actually liked the gim. I could see myself eating that as a healthy alternative to snacking. The woman is always telling me that I need to lose weight. (Koreans will tell you you're fat and need to lose weight). haha. I know they mean well. They aren't saying it to hurt my feelings. They are concerned for my health.

Today I taught 5 classes by myself. I think everything went pretty well. In one of my lower level classes a boy was crying. We were doing our work and he was hiding behind his book. I don't know what was wrong. Maybe he was scared of having a new teacher. That class was good at participating in class and they were very well behaved. The rest of my classes were good. There was one class that I was totally unprepared for. Those girls didn't want to do their work. The other teacher said I need to be firm with those girls. They like to speak Korean in class and be lazy. In my last class some of the students were trying to study for their word test. I told them to put it away and do the work for my class.

Today for supper I just went out to McDonalds. I know I need to stay away, but I was looking for something quick that I could get in my short 45 minute break. I got a McChicken sandwich. (It costs 2000 won which is about $2.00). I also got some coke. A small coke costs 1000 won or about $1.

I just found out that I'll be staying with my boss' parents until Monday. The other teacher leaves Monday morning. Its a little difficult because I like having my own place. They are nice, but I prefer to stay on my own. I'll finally be able to do laundry on Monday. I'm glad I brought plenty of clothes. I have enough that I can go a whole week without washing them.

I miss my boyfriend. Its hard not being able to see him often. The last time I saw him was Saturday. I would see him everyday if I could. We do keep in touch during the day. We chat at random times when I have a break.

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