Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Saying Goodbye to my ex

He's very handsome and nice.
Me and my ex have kept in contact since the breakup. We usually meet once a month for dinner. Last week I messaged him to tell him I was leaving in 2 weeks. He suggested that we get dinner on Sunday (11/9). I knew this would probably be the last time I saw him.

We met in Seoul to have dinner. I could tell that this was a restaurant he frequented. The workers were talking to him and they wanted to know who I was. They were happy to see him. They were speaking in Korean, but I understood when they asked him if I was his girlfriend. He told them I was just a friend. It was good to have a meal with him. He cooks the meat while I watch. He is always helping me and sometimes feeding me. Yes, I can do it for myself, but he wants to take care of me. I think its sweet. He always pays for the meal when we go out. If people see us it seems as if we are a couple from the way we act, but we aren't. We are just close friends now.

 It would have been easier just to move on and never talk again, but I'm glad we stayed friends. I wasn't ready to let him go completely. I think there is a part of me that wishes we were still together, but I know it wouldn't work out. It will be easier to "get over" him once we don't see each other anymore. I feel very comfortable around him and there isn't any awkwardness. He doesn't even laugh when I'm having a hard time with my chopsticks. haha. I'm getting pretty good at using chopsticks, but I was having trouble. I kept dropping things!

After we ate I told him I wanted to go to the Lantern Festival down by the stream. He came with me. When we go out he likes to take a lot of pictures of me. He took some on his phone and some with my camera. We walked along the stream and talked and I took photos of the lanterns. He would stop along the way to take photos of me with my camera and take some photos of the lanterns.

Afterwards he walked with me to the subway station and we said goodbye. I'm going to miss him. He's a really nice guy. I don't have any bad things to say about him. He was just too busy to include me into his life. I don't think he's busy by choice, but its a part of Korean culture. They have to work long hours. He keeps talking about how much he hates Korea and wants to move away.

 It's sad to know that I might not ever see him again. My mom asked me if I cried. Actually I haven't cried about saying goodbye.

In the next 10 days I'm going to say goodbye to a lot of people. This time I don't have any plans to return. I am really finished with teaching English. I might visit again, but it will be a long time. I really want to come back for the Olympics in 2018, but that's still over 3 years away.

I'm going to have a hard time saying goodbye to my church friends this Sunday. I've become really close to them these past few months. I can say that I've made some genuine friends here in Korea.

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