Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm back in the USA

I arrived home on November 22, 2014.

My time in Korea has finally ended. I'm not going back to teach again. My journey started in December 2008 and ended in November 2014.

I had a great time exploring Korea. I'm really going to miss it. I had so much fun living in a foreign country. There were a lot of hardships, but I'm glad that I had this experience. I think it helped me to take more risks and learn about other cultures.

Traveling home was rough! My total travel time including layovers was 25 hours. 18 of those hours were spent on 3 different flights. The 14 hour flight was tough. You are in such a small space and you are trying to entertain yourself. I watched a few movies and tried to sleep. I couldn't sleep for long. Its very uncomfortable!

I went to see my nephew shortly after I arrived home. I surprised him. I went to his apartment when they weren't home. Then when they came home I surprised him at the door. He was happy to see me, but he didn't know what to do when he saw me. He wouldn't even look at me at first. After I left his house he asked his mom if I could come back. haha. I spent some more time with him the next day. Its so good to see him again. And now I have to build a connection with my niece. She is 4 months now and was born while I was gone.

This week I will start babysitting my 4 month niece and 3 year old nephew at the same time while their mom (my sister) is at work. Its going to be a tough job but I will enjoy it!

I think I'm going to keep this blog semi active. I'm going to keep up with Korean music and continue my goal of watching the top 100 Korean movies.

My top music of 2014 is coming up soon in December.

There won't be any new videos about Korea. I have posted all that I have filmed.

I will occasionally post about my life after Korea.

I hope to continue studying Korean. I want to find some Korean friends.

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