Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My class was angry...

My first class was mad at me today. They were being bad in class so I made them write their spelling words 3 times each (we usually only write them 2 times each)...its not that bad of a punishment. I could have been meaner and made it 5 times! They did not like it at all. They kept talking in Korean and the former teacher's name would come up.

They wont listen! I keep telling them one page at a time. I'm on page 1 and they have already finished page 3. I want them to pay attention instead of working ahead. Some of them just want me to give them the answers. I want them to try to be independent and learn to find the answers. You can't learn if someone just gives you the answers. They need help writing sentences. Most of their sentences don't make sense so I correct their grammar. Some are so bad that I can't correct them because I don't know what they are trying to say.

I hate how some of my classes are alwasys trying to rush me so we can end class early. We have 45 minutes. If we finish early I let them play a game. They try to rush me so they can get the lesson over. I don't rush for them. If they don't stop it then I will bring enough so we work every second of class. I bet they don't treat their Korean teachers that way.

My 2nd class is one of my best classes.They all participate and try hard. Some are slower than others, but they are a good class. They are all well behaved. Today they were repeating the words really loudly and holding out the last syllable. It made me laugh.

The majority of my middle school class was 10 minutes late. They are always late. We can't get much done if everyone is late. Right now all we are doing is preparing them for their final exams at school. They are studying from their school textbook. I call out the problem and they tell me the answer. One person was giving out most of the answers. At least I got them to do their work today. Usually no one wants to talk. 2 of the students kept trying to fall asleep and I told them to stay awake.

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