Thursday, March 27, 2014

My South Korea Bucket List

There are tons of things to do and see in South Korea. I'm always searching and reading about new experiences in Korea. Sometimes I discover new things because my friends have shared their experiences. I have compiled a list of things that I want to accomplish this time. I feel like I saw so much, but I left so much undone. Now I have to make up for all the things I never got around to doing. I will blog and vlog about each experience!

1. Visit the Blue House--this is where the president lives

2. Rail bikes

3. Visit Busan-the 2nd largest city in Korea

4. Ride the Sea Train

5. Visit the beach(es)

6. Visit some sites from a drama- I really wanted to visit the "Full House" set, but unfortunately it has been torn down. It was damaged by a typhoon.

7. Ride the bullet train

8. Try street food--I lived in Korea for over a year and I never tried street food! (tried Hotteok in Oct 2014)

9. Visit the royal tombs

10. Travel to Jeju Island-Jeju is like the Hawaii of Korea

11. Attend kpop concerts (especially Rain!)

12. stay at a love motel (I only stayed at one motel in Korea. I think it was a love motel, but I want to stay in a nice one)

13. Attend Seoul Tube--this is where vloggers meet in Seoul  (Did this June 2014)

14. Try Soju

15. Try Makgoli (did this at a friend's house in September 2014..didn't like it)

16. Go on the Han River Cruise (did this in August 2014)

17. Buy a Hanbok

18. Visit Toilet Museum (did this in October 2014)

19. Visit the poop cafe

20. Attend Club Night in Hongdae-I think its the 4th Friday of every month. You pay around $20 and you can visit all the clubs in Hongdae. I'm not a clubber, but I'd like to see it for myself without having to pay cover charges to every club.

21. Go back to Banpo Bridge (did this in October 2014)

22. Go to Nami Island

23. Visit the seoul national cemetery

24. Visit unesco heritage sites (already seen 3)

25. Go to Chungsun do (spring waltz set)

26 visit trick eye museum, love museum, ice museum

27. Go to the Jindo sea parting festival

28. Go to the bullfighting festival

29. Visit the war memorial (did this in October 2014)

30. Visit at least 1 city in every province. There are 8 provinces. So far I've been to 3 of them.

31. Go to penis park--yes its a park full of penises. LOL

32. Get my picture taken with Rain (and other Kpop stars) (this may never happen!)

33. Pass level 1 of the TOPIK

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