Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 218..

July 23 Thursday

Well its nearly 2am(on Friday) and I'm still up and I have to be at work at 9am!

I got my new computer! It took two hours to transfer everything over from my old one. I used a program called "PC Mover". The program was $46 on Amazon and the license only lets you use it one time, but its worth it because I had a lot of files to move over! While it was going I couldnt use my computer so I just wrote out my lesson plans on paper.

1st and 2nd class was good.

I gave my 3rd class a test and they all made a perfect score. One of the students asked if they could play a game since they all made a perfect score. I told them that we could play after covering our lesson. We covered a few pages. They were playing a game and the student who is always late came in. It was 7:15 and my class would be over at 7:20. His dad was with him. He speaks some English. He told me that the student was late because of a job. ok. He asked me if class was finished. I told him yeah. (there was only 5 minutes left).

My 4th class usually gives me problems. Before class the korean teacher told them "no speaking in korean". They don't listen. They do it anyway. I keep reminding them not to speak in korean. They were also doing other work in my class. They were filling in questions in their listening book. One of the boys was telling me that he was sick. He showed me his leg. he had a bump on his leg similar to a mosquito bite. It wasn't bleeding but he begged to go to "information". and the other boy wanted to go with him. so i let them go. he came back with a bandaid on his leg. The boys won't write in complete sentences in their writing book. How can they improve their writing if they wont write? I keep begging them to write the answers but they wont. No one had their homework today. So I had to take time in class to go over the homework just like it was a regular lesson. I let the Korean teacher know about all my problems with the class. I'll let her handle disciplining them.

I only had one student in my last class. The other student was absent. We went over a writing unit. The student didnt bring her book so I had to make a copy for her. The class goes by too fast when you only have one student. We covered a lot of material and still had free time left over.

When I was packing up my things everyone reminded me that I have to be at school on Friday at 9am. We are changing our schedule since the students are on summer vacation. That really sucks for them! They are on summer break but they still have to come to the academy at 9:30am. I always slept late during my summer vacation. If my mom told me I had to get up early to go to school I'd tell her she was crazy! But English education in Korea is a huge deal so the kids just have to put up with it. At least they get 2 days off from the academy on Thursday and Friday of next week because all the teachers are on vacation at the same time. I'm just wondering how many absences I'll have during summer break.

I skipped the gym since I had to be at work early. I went home and started setting up my new computer and making more lesson plans.

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