Thursday, June 3, 2010

40 people commit suicide every day in South Korea

Read the article here:

In 2009, 14,579 people in South Korea committed suicide. That's an average of 40 people a day which is an 18.8% increase from 2008.

The largest group of suicides, 31.6%, were committed by people aged 61 and older due to disease and stress brought on by economic hardship.

19% (2,770) of the suicides were people in their 40's. 16.6% (2,427) were people in their 50's. 17.2% (2,508) were in their 30's. 1,793 were in their 20's. 452 people under 20 killed themselves.

9,395 men and 5,167 women took their lives.

The biggest reason for suicide was mental problems which accounted for 28.3%. The other problems were physical disease (21.9), economic hardship (16.2), domestic conflict (12.6), relationship problems (7.1) and trouble at work (6.6).

Korea has the top suicide rate among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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