Friday, August 13, 2010

‘Yield to ambulances’ campaign kicks off

I hope this campaign works better than the "walk on the right" campaign in the subway which was a complete failure (while I was there in 2009).

In the USA its a LAW to move over for any emergency vehicle. This includes police, fire trucks and ambulances that have their sirens and lights on. If you fail to yield you could be fined.

A campaign urging motorists to yield to ambulances kicked off in Seoul on Tuesday.

In an emergency the first few minutes are crucial as to whether the person has a chance to survive. Only 32.3 percent of ambulances make it within 5 minutes. The average time to reach the patient is 8 minutes according to studies.

There was a survey named "etiquette regarding ambulances" in which 74.5 percent of 1000 respondents said that there is not enough space to yield. 12.5 percent said they do not know the right way to yield. 74.6 percent said they never had a chance to learn about the etiquette.

(Shouldn't etiquette be mentioned in a driver's manual? Maybe that is something they should consider. In the USA we have driver's manuals that we can read to be able to pass our driver's license test. I looked at the SC driver's manual and it tells you how to yield to emergency vehicles.)

The campaign will run through November in Seoul.


Anonymous said...

你的分享很不錯.. 謝謝 ..................................................

Anonymous said...

謝謝大大的分享 我會學會反省與寬容 感恩 ∩△∩............................................................

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
