Thursday, April 1, 2010

Koreans Laugh 1.5 Minutes a Day


This survey is crazy! They put this in the Chosun Ilbo like its some official survey.

They only interviewed 500 people. You can't interview 500 people and then put it in an article like its some big deal. That's not even 1% of Korea's 49 million inhabitants. 500 people are not representative of Korea as a whole.

view the full article here:

Koreans laugh 10 times a day, 8.6 seconds each time, a straw poll by the brand management team of the SK Group has found. Polling 500 people aged between 20 and 50, the survey finds that Koreans laugh for an average of 90 seconds per day.

Nine people, or 1.8 percent, said they never laughed.

(NEVER? Is that possible? Those 9 people must be very sad. I can't imagine never laughing.)

Average Koreans spend three hours and six minutes per day worrying about something.

(wow! That's a lot of worrying! 3 hours a day? I might worry 3 hours a year)

This article makes it seem like all that Koreans do is worry and don't like to laugh. I think I laughed 1.5 minutes while reading the article. I've already surpassed the "average" Korean's daily limit. I spend a lot more time laughing and not so much time worrying.

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