Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Koreatown in NYC!

I've been back in America for a week now. Right after I got back I went on vacation to New York city.

On Sunday March 7 I went to Koreatown for lunch.

a shot from Koreatown (NYC)

I really wanted to go to a place where you could grill on your table. I looked at the menus posted outside the doors. Most of the restaurants say that you have to order 2 portions to be able to grill it on your table. I found one that I wanted to go to that had a charcoal grill so I looked the menu for a long time contemplating what I wanted. Then when I decided to go in I was greeted with a sign that said "closed on Sunday".

I decided to go to the restaurant next door (Han Gang on Korea Way) to eat some galbi. I asked the waiter if I could grill it at my table and he said yes!

The waiter was a handsome 30 year old Korean guy. We chatted for a while. I told him that I had just gotten back from Korea so we were talking about Korea. He told me his step mom owns a hagwon. He took down my name and email. Maybe that will be an option for my 2nd year.

I wish I would have gotten a picture and his contact information.

The meal was delicious! We ordered a portion of Galbi for 24.95. A bit expensive, but worth it! We had some good side dishes also.

I didn't take a picture until we were finished..hehe

I should have practiced my Korean but its at a very beginner level. I did use the word "Hana". They asked me if I wanted dugae (2) portions and I said "hana". I think I shocked them when I spoke in Korean. They looked at me like "OMG she just spoke Korean". Then me and the waiter started talking about Korea.

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