Monday, March 15, 2010

Korean practice

저는 바러리 입니다

저는 미국 사람 입니다

저는 영어 선생님 입니다

스물여덟 살 이에요

I am Valerie
I am an American
I am an English Teacher
I am 28 years old


bohyun.ha said...

Hi.:D I'm korean! I really love searching blog. So i found you and i was very happy about that. Because i know very well that studying different language is really hard. I'm stydying French! Anyway, i wanna help you. Actually, it's not exact '임니다'. This is not exist in Korean. You should write '입니다'.I know it is complicated. Anyway, if you wanna ask something about Korean, let me know. It will be my pleasure!!!

Valerie Knight said...

haha. I was going on how it sounds. I forgot that its written ip but when you say it its im.

Korean is hard. I'm trying to study hard!